Can it get any better than this?
My daughter shared this with me after my last two posts. I initially thought this was some type of clever photoshop product. But, after some admittedly superficial research, it appears that this was a actual option offered by VW in Europe in 1959. I don’t know how many they actually sold, but I sure would have bought one.
Take that Tesla. You think you’re so high tech. Elon, with a self driving car it would be a lot easier to brew coffee.
They may have to add a law for that, you know, no texting/talking on your phone while driving…no brewing coffee while driving 😂😂😂😂
leigh shepherd
My sister’s first car was a VW brought from German by one of the McCormic Brothers. At the time the imports were named Delux. Not sure what the stay-at-homes were called but they had a curious little lighted flag that popped out of the door post when one signaled for a turn. They had quit working by the time we got the car but my cousin also brought one back and described the function. Unfortunately I’ve never gotten to see one in action.