This morning, I was looking over the sample ballot for next Tuesday’s primary election. I miss the days when there were candidates I could get excited about. Candidates for whom I really wanted to vote.
Now I find myself trying to decide who is the LOC, the Least Objectionable Candidate. I worry that if I vote for the LOC and that person is elected, I will come to regret it. I worry even more that if I don’t vote at all, a more objectionable candidate, who may be even worse, will be elected.
How have we come to this state where most of the candidates are people for whom I would not happily vote? I’m afraid I must take part of the blame. I haven’t taken the time or the effort to locate, encourage, and support candidates whose values and ideas I share. I’ve let others, with whom I share few beliefs or values, but who are willing to work much harder, set the agenda and define the candidates. I know I’m going to have to live with the consequences of my inattention in the short term. But I have made the decision that going forward I won’t passively watch the electoral process unfold only to complain about it later.
leigh shepherd
get involved in the process or don’t gripe about the outcome . Maybe YOU should run!